

program description

» graduate testimonials

» curriculum

» derivation / interfacing

» theory

» registration form


Sample Counseling Sessions

Sample Training Session


Counseling / Psychotherapy






Energy Psychology



Brennan Work



Art Therapy




Yoga Teachers


Spiritual Path



Religious Science


Attention: Therapists, Healers, Yoga Teachers, Body Workers

Begin, Enhance, or Expand your Healing Practice by becoming a

Professional Certified Emotional Clearing Facilitator

Be more confident working with feelings and emotions.

Break through the barriers for real success.

8 Week 60 hour Zoom Training Program
with John Ruskan

Trainings are on-going. Start now!

Cost: $1250



the Emotional Clearing Facilitator Professional Training
Year Founded: 1998
Model of Therapy: Emotional Clearing Process

Although psychotherapy today is primarily concerned with feelings, it is often confined to an intellectual-cognitive level. The Emotional Clearing Process (ECP) provides the working therapist with insights and training in how to confidently take therapy to the experiential feeling level, where authentic healing takes place. In harmony with the values of traditional humanistic psychology as well as the holistic evolutionary journey, ECP goes to deep core levels to affect a lasting transformation.

ECP is an inner-directed approach. The facilitator guides the client into a deep alpha-state relaxation with eyes closed, similar to a meditative or hypnotic state. By relaxing the conscious mind, the subconscious suppressed negativity behind the client's issues comes to the surface in the form of feelings and emotions, including traumatic memories, which are then released by means of the process. The therapist is thoroughly trained in how to bring the client into the alpha-state relaxation with the proprietary Emotional Clearing Induction, how to evoke the negative subconscious, and how to work with whatever will emerge.

All levels of trauma, repression, and dysfunction can be addressed with this modality.

The Emotional Clearing Process can augment or surpass other emotionally-based modalities such as EMDR and EFT by giving the therapist an in-depth approach which does not just mechanically apply techniques. ECP can deepen and extend your capacity to work with feelings, and provides a holistic East/West framework that many clients now seek.
Therapists who are not fully on board with Eastern concepts such as chakras, psychic energies, or 'higher consciousness' can effectively work on a psychological level without reference to esoteric material. 

ECP works beautifully in conjunction with Internal Family Systems, providing a penetrating holistic methodology to clear negativity and trauma pertaining to any ‘part.’ We have certified ECF’s who have merged ECP and IFS.

In order to know if you are compatible with the program, please carefully read John’s books DEEP CLEARING or EMOTIONAL CLEARING


Acquire the tools and training to start working as a professional Certified Emotional Clearing Facilitator (ECF)

This cutting-edge guided inner-process work will become more and more in demand as consciousness is raised about the importance of working with the emotions.

You can arrange your new practice as you need. You may be aiming to make a full-time career change to a humanistic occupation more in line with the journey of self-discovery on which you are traveling. The program will support you fully in this goal.

You may already be a practicing psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, or bodyworker and desire to add this powerful feeling-based modality to your repertoire of skills. You can run individual counseling sessions as well as group sessions. Group sessions work well for Yoga teachers, for example, and will lead to individual counseling requests. 

The program accommodates both beginner therapists and those already with a practice. It has been found that working therapists, while already possessing certain skills, need the full program to activate new Right-Brain capacities required for Emotional Clearing practice. These skills may also be applied as an adjunct to other helping professions such as teaching or nursing. The program is structured as a training in professional client work.


A 60 hour Program

The Emotional Clearing Facilitator training is on-going. You can start at any time. The program is designed for 8 weeks, but you are free to create your own schedule and complete it when convenient for you. You will be learning ECF skills as well as getting in-depth Emotional Clearing work on yourself.


MP3 audio teaching programs from John

Pre-recorded demo EC Processing sessions

Practice counseling sessions

The Emotional Clearing Facilitator training manual with concise scripts

Zoom meetings every week with John

The program is a combination of self-study and live Zoom meetings with John. For each of the 8 weeks, you will receive a packet of mp3 audio recordings which can be loaded onto any mp3 playback device or app, or listened to on-line. Included are a basic presentation of the week's material by John; demos where John leads you through the techniques being covered for that week; and a sample counseling session with a real client. Also included is the ECF training manual which contains detailed explanations of the theory, practice, and scripts for the EC Process. The total time for all the recordings and manual study is about 2 hours per week.

After you have listened to all the recordings for any week, you will meet on Zoom with John and other current participants to clarify and discuss the material, answering any questions you may have, and to get feedback on the past week's practice sessions. Meetings will usually take from 1 - 2 hours, depending on the number of participants

In the week after the meeting, you will engage in practice sessions to apply what you have learned for that week. Usually, we will aim for a total of 3 sessions per week - giving and receiving from another trainee and giving a session to an 'outside' practice client. However, the training is flexible and you may adjust your time allocated as you see fit. The usual time per week can range from 5 to 7 hours.


Session reviews: Upon completion of the program or anytime after, you will record up to 2 Zoom audio sessions of yourself giving an ECP session to a client and submit to John for constructive feedback.

John personally leads the entire training with occasional assistance from other graduate Emotional Clearing Facilitators.


Week 1: The Emotional Clearing Alpha Induction

Week 2: Basic Assumptions; Unconditional Presence; Dialoguing Skills

Week 3: Non-Directive Processing; Types of Feelings; Third Eye

Week 4: Directive Processing; the Steps of the Emotional Clearing Process

Week 5: Addictions and Compulsive Acting-Out

Week 6: Speaking to the Subconscious

Week 7: Core Energy Healing for Physical Ailments

Week 8: Regression; the Child; Past Lives




Previous training, academic degrees, or other professional credentials are not required for acceptance or success in the program. A strong motivation to do the work, natural aptitude, considerable life experience, and/or a solid Holistic spiritual practice are more relevant. Careful study of John's new book Deep Clearing or Emotional Clearing is required for training.

Trainees are strongly encouraged to maintain a dedicated personal practice at home during the entire program. Network email contact with other trainees and John will provide the support that can be vital to maintain the practice and feedback for getting past any blocks that may occur. Experiencing a personal practice with such support is invaluable in training, not only for growth, but because the therapist will be acting as the support for clients who will similarly be encouraged to maintain a dedicated personal practice while undergoing counseling.



Meetings and counseling sessions take place via Zoom video - no traveling is required. The weekly group meeting is usually on a Wednesday at 12 noon US Eastern Time (ET) but can be adjusted if necessary. It has been found that working long-distance, while somewhat different from in-person work, is without question equally effective, and offers enormous flexibility and convenience that works well with this program; the energetic transmission that is the essence of Emotional Clearing work is not limited by space.


Included in the program:

• 60 training hours.
• The proprietary ECF training manual pdf file and mp3 recordings.
• Lifetime posting of your name on the www.emclear website for client referrals.
• A two page promotional brochure to attract clients or to use on your website.
• A pdf certificate suitable for framing as a "Certified Emotional Clearing Facilitator."
• Access to additional audio recordings of actual counseling sessions given by John to clients.



The total cost of the ECF program is $1250 (U.S. Dollars).


Trainings are on-going. You may start at any time.












To register, fill out the Registration Form. You will hear back from us within a few days. If you don't hear back, drop us an email.

After receiving and approving your registration, we will request the deposit in order to set up your timetable and match you with other trainees.



Pay on the Ordering page with credit/debit card or paypal.

Deposit: $350.

Balance: $900 due prior to training start.

If you need to email:
Put EC TRAINING in the subject line.



In line with the standard for professional psychology trainings, there will be no refunds after training materials (manual and recordings) have been sent out. These materials are proprietary and considered to be worth the cost of the training by themselves. However, if we are unable to hold the training, full refunds will be made.



Upon successful completion, you become a Certified Emotional Clearing Facilitator, with the right to advertise with the Emotional Clearing logo and to conduct individual and group sessions within the legal framework for which you are qualified in your location. ECF certification does not satisfy any US state requirement for licensing, although at present anyone may work in most states without licensing as a counselor or facilitator. All ECF's are required to know the law in their own location and to strictly abide by it.

Participation in the program does not guarantee certification, but only rarely will a participant be denied certification. Participants will not be allowed to continue in the program if their participation is in any way disruptive as determined by John. There will be no refund for any programs taken or not taken.

Certification may be revoked at any time for any reason including behavior that may legally jeopardize The Institute for Emotional Clearing, or for gross incompetence or misconduct.



Currently, no ceu's are available for the program.


Computer Requirements

You must have easy access to a private, reliable computer, good internet connection, recent Zoom version, USB-connected headset, and email service in order to participate in the program.

All normal communication with John takes place via email. There is no additional literature that will be sent out regarding the program; all info is posted here at the www.emclear website.