Congradulations! You have entered the path. It's all downhill from here. Do you realize how fortunate you are? - that 99.9% of the world is in the same position but has no clue about where they are or how to heal themselves. You have the information at hand. This represents good karma that you should take advantage of. Now is your chance to reverse the build-up of suppressed feeling energies from life-times of ignorance. Everything I said to Chase applies to you. Make an effort to develop the right-brain by suitable activities, foremost of which should be yoga and breath. Use the hogtie pose that's on Working On Yourself>yoga>posture flow to open the chest. Be sensible and gentle. It's just a matter of intending to heal yourself, and then it happens. It's only a matter of time now. Develop a personal practice, learn the inner skills, keep working, then relax and let the transformation happen around you - you are only the witness. You don't have to try to analyze too much now, (childhood) but its good that you have a basic psychological awareness. Those feelings come up on their own at the right time. Much of my life has been about developing the CECF program. I can't recommend it enough. The facilitator is trained to impart to you an energetic infusion - much like initiation of the past. You take on this energy that is being channelled to you and then it starts to work. You go deeper than you can on your own and healing happens. I see it all the time. It's not talk therapy, and more intelligent then simplistic energy techniques. If this is a possibility for you, why not?