Author Topic: Beginning issues  (Read 6430 times)

Transcend 87

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Beginning issues
« on: April 11, 2021 »
Hi John, I have a few questions about the relaxation exercise.

During the visualization part, I had a hard time visualizing the silver light fully. After that, when I tried filling the aura and creating the protective shell, I kept getting images of the shell being invaded and cracked like glass. By the grounding link exercise, the link I visualized to the earth kept getting disconnected and it was falling off my body and  and I was seeing the energy pouring out of my body as well from the severed link. I also kept seeing the black/red energy coming back through the link back into my body. During the the quiet time in alpha, I found my mind racing. I listened to the recording a total of 3 tines so far and similar things have occurred each time.

During the session I practiced letting these things be, observing these reactions and not getting myself worked up, but I would appreciate if you have any thoughts on how to go forward or if there is a significance to this. I have found this issue to be pervasive for a while, in therapy as well. Anytime I do any inner visualization or inner child work. I get obsessive, panicky and doubtful about whether I'm doing it correctly as well as feeling that I'm not in control of the visuals, I will try to visualize something but my mind will put something different in, usually the opposite of my intention. Any thoughts?

John Ruskan

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Re: Beginning issues
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2021 »
There are two ways to consider this: First, the mind is not yet fully trained and under control, so it is not responding to the higher will as desired. We would expect that as a meditation practice is cultivated and skills developed, these aberrations will come under control.

But then, there is also the possibility that negativity is being stirred up and is interfering with the process. In counseling, after having processed feelings behind an issue, we sometimes will suggest that the client visualize a positive outcome. But we do this with the understanding that if there is still suppressed negativity, visualizing the positive will not be fully effective, and will most probably only incite the suppressed negative and will produce images contrary to the desired outcome. When that happens, we just return again to the negative and apply the process. The positive visualization has then served as a tool to access the suppressed negative.

Maybe something like this is happening here. In trying to visualize protection, vulnerability results, even before you get into more specific processing. So the strategy would be to not get upset that the induction is not going according to plan, but just regard it as successfully stimulating negativity into awareness, to be processed with the steps.  Take all the images to a feeling level and work with the feelings.  You can still witness the experience without identifying with it, which is the most important element.

It's a good sign that you are sensitive enough to be able to perceive these subtle inner states. You appear to just be encountering the opposition to inner work that I talk about in my books.

Transcend 87

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Re: Beginning issues
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2021 »
Thank you for that insightful answer. I have used the relaxation cd about five times. Given your answer to the above question, would you recommend that I move ahead with the other audio steps in the program or continue using the relaxation exercise until I get it down pat? I am assuming that I should move on to the next steps given your answer that it is probably suppressed negativity that is surfacing?