Author Topic: Burning Karma  (Read 4655 times)


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Burning Karma
« on: August 24, 2022 »

John one of the ideas that really stuck with me from your books is this idea that the negativity and suppressed emotional energy in us attracts circumstances and situations which serve to bring up the stuck emotional energy for clearing.

So I take it that if we are to conciously move towards our suppressed uncomfortable emotional material with the intention of taking it through the process then by experiencing and thus clearing this negativity voluntarily we wont need that car crash or that illness or drama or negative event which seems to come out of nowhere or at least we will have lessend the frequency of such things in our lives.

This makes a lot of sense to me and not just even on a slightly Woo Woo level but in a very practical sense as person who has less anger or sadness in the subconcious will have a better nervous system and will think clearer and make better decisions across the board and thus have less seemingly random mishaps or misfortunes.

Taking it a bit futher , Id like to hear your thoughts on this ; I was thinking about an interplay of karma involving people who may be locked into say a revenge feud or some sort of drama.

But if one of the party, say "A" is concious and can sit with their part of the negativity then they cut a kind of karmic bond linking them with "B" so that they no longer need to go though any sort of Drama with "B"  to resolve that low frequcncy of emotion. You could say that "A"s contractual obligation with that Karma is fufilled and is no longer an attractive source of Drama for "B" in that relationship/situation. Unless the other "B" does similar work then they will attract the negative events required to bring to light their share of the suppressed energies but these events will not involve "A"  as  they have cut that Karmic bond.

I have heard the term " Burning up Karma" before  , and this term seems appropriate here. I was thinking about it in the sense of revenge or vengence between two people which is very cyclical and seems to create an endless cycle of Karma. The phrase "revenge is in the hands of the creator" is spoken by an indian in the movie "the Revenant" as he explains that his family was murdered by rivals , his heart bleeds but he does not seek revenge. This seems like another way of wording what I was trying to illustrate in the paragraph above that it is not up to us to be agents of karma but only to work with our own material and any balancing out or "justice " that needs to happen will naturally come about as the other parties negativity attracts such into their lives.

Sorry for waffling on a bit ,
Enjoying the new podcast,

John Ruskan

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Re: Burning Karma
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2022 »
I think you have explained it beautifully and correctly. Burning Karma in my understanding usually means the surrender to difficulty with equanimity, understanding that the negativity encountered in the world is a karmic debt that must be paid off. In our work, we take it a step further and recognize that if we release the inner negativity through meditative processing, we no longer have the need to attract difficult experiences in the outer world. With regard to the revenge, your thoughts are correct  - if one party no longer blames and seeks revenge, they are released from the bond with the other, and the other will then have to work out the negative energy in other ways, by attracting other conflict, for example.