Author Topic: Increasing Anxiety  (Read 3197 times)


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Increasing Anxiety
« on: May 22, 2024 »
Hi John,

Apologies in advance for the multiple posts as of recent. There are one or two things taking place which I am struggling to understand at the moment.

For the past 6 months I have been off from work due to burnout. In short, I was holding a stressful corporate job for over 6 years and between the heavy workload, domineering colleagues and spiritual awakening taking place I was left with no choice but to take a break. Last week I started a new role at a new corporate company and since accepting the role I have been experiencing bouts of anxiety which have gradually gotten worse. Since starting the new job a week ago each night I struggle to sleep due to anxiety.

I have realised that my career no longer resonates with me anymore, and that I need to shift into a career that aligns me with more, but I am also in a position where I need to be able to pay my bills and make ends meat. At the moment my corporate role is all I know. I tell my mind that this is simply a stepping stone to something new and different, nonetheless I still experience strong bouts of anxiety at night and in the mornings.

What I am trying to understand is whether this is my ego creating a story and trying to "hold on", or if these feelings are something else? I was under the belief that anxiety is an emotion of the lower self and not the true self. The job itself seems to be positive so far, with nice people but the anxiety is niggling at me each night preventing me from getting a good nights sleep. I am trying to make sense of the anxiety so I can move forward.

Thanks once again.

John Ruskan

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Re: Increasing Anxiety
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2024 »
Sometimes we need to create hopes, expectations, stories and goals to get by, but usually these are fantasies that just take us out of the moment. I’d suggest that you make the effort to shift more into the right-brain. Anxiety is rampant in the world. It probably does indicate suppressed feelings behind it that need to be discovered and processed, but you can do a lot to relieve ‘existential’ anxiety by emphasizing basic body practices. As I described in my books and on the emclear site, a meditative yoga and breathwork practice can be essential to maintain calm. When you meditate, just process the anxiety. Treat it like any other first-level emotion. Detach and witness. Let the deeper feelings emerge.