Food is a vital part of the program for emotional
healing. Most of us today are aware of how critical proper nutrition is.
As part of the focus on the body that will be part of your EC program, therefore,
you must be careful to maintain a decent food intake free from contaminants
and harmful foods. A simple diet high in vegetables, whole grains, and beans
with occasional chicken or fish is all you need.
What most of us don’t realize, however, is the
role that food addictions play in maintaining suppressed feelings. There
is a reason why it can be so difficult to give up red meat, dairy, sugar,
wheat, grease, soft drinks, fast foods, junk foods, caffeine, and nicotine.
All these foods become addictions, and probably certain foods suppress certain
specific feelings. When we attempt to give up the food, the feeling comes
up like a dragon rearing its head, and we are driven to the food.
You must handle food addictions like any other addiction.
As you work with the feelings involved, you will ease up on the compulsiveness
for the food. The purity of the diet you are able to maintain is another
measure of your inner psychological and emotional condition.
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